Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I was supposed to have the follow-up appointment with my new neurologist today. I've completed all but one of the new battery of tests she ordered and was looking forward to hearing her assessment of what she can do about my auto-immune disorders.

Only, she called in sick.

I'm worried about her, as she was away on sick leave for months. I hope this is just a virus and not related to her extended leave. So, I wish her well and look forward to getting the call about rescheduling.

Meanwhile, I remain in limbo. Having finally seen her, after a year of trying, my anxiety level had gone down somewhat. I had a modicum of cautious hope. I can feel the anxiety creeping back in now. I hope I get a new appointment soon.

Its all such a long and painful process.


  1. I'm so sorry, Allison. Yeah, it's astounding that waiting is so much of the illness experience . . . waiting for the appointment, waiting for the doctor, waiting for the tests, waiting for the test results, and the big one: waiting to get better. Hang in there!

  2. chin up, titties forward, Allison.

    it's all you can do right?

    is spring breaking through there?
